Our country is in crisis as the communal fabric of our society is being intentionally frayed by those in power. The constant attacks on the most vulnerable in our society and the weakening of institutions and laws that protect us diminish and demean who we are as a nation. Real people, families, and communities are being hurt by these unjust policies. The cruelty and malice being demonstrated are antithetical to the values I hold as a disciple of the Buddha. These lamentable actions do not represent me nor many in our country who value compassion, mercy, equality, and the rule of law as guiding our communal life in a free and democratic society.
We need to deeply reflect on our most cherished values and have the courage to embody them in these dark times. Shakyamuni Buddha teaches that nobility is not a matter of one’s birth but rather determined by one’s actions. In the Suttanipata the Buddha says:
One becomes a thief by action,
By action one becomes a soldier.
One becomes a priest by action,
By action one becomes a king.
Shin Buddhist altars reflect this teaching of nobility based on one’s actions. A pair of hanging ornaments called Sumi Yoraku flank the image of Amida Buddha in the central altar and are derived from jewelry worn by nobles in ancient India. These beautiful ornaments represent the attainment of nobility through noble deeds.
The Buddha understood that we are ennobled or demeaned based on our actions and conduct. We attain nobility when we strive for that which is good and wholesome, ensuring the welfare and wellbeing of all. Guided by the Buddha’s wisdom, how would we assess the actions of our current leaders? How would we assess our own?
The Buddha believed in the radical equality of all people despite the circumstances of their birth. Each of us deserves compassion, respect, and dignity for we all share a common bond of humanity. We are taught that it is our responsibility to protect and to care for one another with a heart of compassion and love.
A story from the Buddha’s childhood illustrates this ethic of concern for the welfare of others. One day a young Siddhartha was walking in the palace garden when suddenly a swan dropped from the sky and fell to the ground in front of him. As he rushed over, he discovered the swan was in great distress because an arrow had pierced one of its wings. Siddhartha quickly picked up the injured swan, pulled out the arrow, and took the bird inside to tend to its wound.
Not long after, Siddhartha’s cousin Devadatta came by clutching a bow and arrows and demanded that the bird was his because he had shot it himself. However, the young prince adamantly refused Devadatta’s demand as he was moved by great compassion to protect the injured swan. After arguing for a while, they took their concern to the court ministers asking them to render judgement. After a lengthy discussion, the ministers were also unable to agree but many seemed to be leaning towards Devadatta. However, Siddhartha’s father, the king, agreed with him that the bird should be left in his care to be nursed back to health. The young prince had stood up to everyone saving the life of the injured swan. His compassionate and courageous actions demonstrated the nobility of his spirit.
In a poignant retelling of this story in Old Path White Clouds, the late Thich Nhat Hanh, recounts the Buddha’s reflection on the significance of protecting the wounded swan:
In this world, few people look with the eyes of compassion, and so we are cruel and merciless toward each other. The weak are always oppressed by the strong. I still see that my reasoning that day was correct, for it arose from love and understanding. Love and understanding can ease the suffering of all beings. The truth is the truth, whether or not it is accepted by the majority. Therefore, I tell you children, it takes great courage to stand up for and protect what is right.
In our troubled world today, we need to emulate the courage of the young Siddhartha to live our values by standing up for all who are suffering. In our sacred scriptures, the Buddha is said to proclaim the truth of the Dharma with a lion’s roar. This is a time for each of us to find our voice so together we can courageously declare the truth of compassion and love in both word and deed. The true attainment of nobility is not determined by wealth, power, or domination, but rather by the compassion and care we extend toward others. Our collective everyday acts of courage, love, and kindness are truly powerful and noble. May we always live and act guided by the light of all-inclusive wisdom and all-embracing compassion for the benefit of all. Namo Amida Butsu.
